59142 Task 59143 Priority 59144 Date Entered 59145 Description 59146 Assigned To 59147 Completed 59148 Linked To 59149 Unable to start the task. 59150 An appliation cannot be launched to perform this task. 59151 Vermeer To Do List 59152 %s (%s) on %s at %s 59153 %s on %s at %s 59154 %s on %s at %s 59155 (Has not been modified) 59156 Yes 59157 No 59158 Completed By: 59159 (Is not linked) 59160 Task Details 59161 Edit To Do Task 59162 Cannot launch the editor; the linked to page may have been deleted or renamed. 59163 Retrieving the To Do list 59164 Please insert a task name. 59165 Cannot get the To Do List from the server. 59166 Cannot get the To Do List history from the server. 59167 Cannot add the task named <%1> to the To Do List on the server. 59168 Cannot update the To Do List on the server with new information about the task named <%1>. 59169 Cannot delete the task named <%1> from the To Do List on the server. 59170 Cannot mark the task named <%1> as completed on the server. 59171 The task named <%1> was already marked as completed or was deleted by another author. 59172 Com&plete... 59173 &Remove... 59174 Remove Task